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Although both filtration and purification rid water from certain contaminants; filtration typically removes larger particulates, whereas purification (through RO) aims to remove impurities at the molecular level.

Most fridge filters use Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) as filter media. Essentially, this style of filter will remove the chlorine odor and taste from the water, giving it a crisp and polished finish, however they do nothing to remove harmful contaminants such as heavy metals (Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Chromium-6).

Although scientists and health care professionals have varying opinions as to the efficacy of minerals in drinking water (specifically elevated pH levels), the types and concentrations can be harmful if not regulated. However, the science and health communities agree (at a bare minimum) drinking water is crucial to healthy living. 

YES! Following the RO process (which strips the water of all contaminants) we can place a re-mineralization filter which injects the right amount of healthy minerals back into the water at the right concentration. Essentially we’re able to ensure only the “good” minerals are consumed, while subsequently increasing the overall pH level. Be sure to ask your sales rep to add this to your system!

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the process of forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane which is porous enough for water molecules to pass while removing impurities such as dissolved solids Including heavy metals, bacteria and viruses, as well as other potentially harmful chemicals and compounds.

PFAS is an acronym for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances which are becoming a growing threat to drinking water sources (well and city water) across Michigan and the US. To learn more about PFAS and the health impacts, Click here

No/not likely. Many fear their water bill will increase because more water is used during the reverse osmosis process. Although it is true RO is not 100% efficient, in most cities the cost-per-gallon of city water is less than half a penny. Click here for Grand Rapids City Water rates.

Yes. Hydroz carries a $1 million dollar general liability policy. Essentially, we know water is nothing to play with, and we want to make sure our customers are protected

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Grand Rapids, MI

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