Pure. Facts.

Fact: You have to drink water. 

But what about the other “stuff” in your drinking water?

By the Numbers

Water + You

The human body is comprised of roughly 70% water

Daily Dose

It's recommended men drink 125 oz and women drink 92 oz of water daily

Time 4 Change

Over 1 MILLION plastic water bottles are produced and sold every minute

Treatment to Tap

The “Treatment to Tap” process is one which is largely misunderstood, and taken for granted. 

Click the “+” to learn more 

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TDS.                                     Total Dissolved Solids. Explained.


TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) is a numerical measure of the Chemicals, Compounds, and Minerals which are dissolved in drinking water


All drinking water is exposed to the minerals, compounds, and chemicals found in the local water supply i.e. lakes, rivers, wells, underground aquifers


Depending on the contaminant and the saturation level, there are varying health impacts of different minerals, chemicals, and compounds

Pure. Facts.

Quench your thirst for knowledge. 

And Water. 

Filtered vs Pure

Many use the terms “filtered” and “purified” interchangeably…

When in reality they couldn’t be more different

Simple Filtration Refrigerator Filters, Faucet Attachments, Filtration Pitchers
Number of Stages: 1-2
Filtration Media: Sediment and/or Carbon
Contaminants Removed: Mainly removes large particulates and chlorine while removing some herbicides and pesticides
Filtration Efficiency: 20-25% of contaminants in water